Friday, January 9, 2009

Waiting room annoyance

This morning I had my fun yearly visit to the doctor. I check in and sit down in the waiting area. The chair I'm sitting in has a chair next to it and then two more perpendicular to them, so a total of four chairs in this little group. This lady comes in with her husband and her kid who was probably no older than 1 year. She's pregnant again too. Way to go. Have fun with that. Anyway, they check in and sit down. Where, you might ask? In the two chairs closest to me. That's right. I didn't count, but the entire waiting room area had to have AT LEAST 50 other chairs and there were MAYBE four other people sitting in the chairs do the math.

And to make matters worse, after they sit down, the mom starts talking to her husband about how her kid stinks because his diaper is dirty but she doesn't want to go change it because they might call her name while she's gone but she doesn't think they have changing tables in the rooms. SERIOUSLY??? I swear these things only happen to me.
While I was pondering whether to be rude and move or to just suck it up and stay there, they called my name to come back. The universe must have sensed my turmoil and allowed me a little reprieve.

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