Monday, December 29, 2008

Nosey Relatives

You know what makes me even sadder than Christmas being over? Nosey relatives who keep pushing and prying, wanting to know when we are going to have kids. And by "sadder" I mean pissed off. It's like the instant you get married, you are immediately supposed to start popping out kids. Excuse me?? First of all, it's none of your damn business if or when we are going to have kids. Second of all, it REALLY pisses me off when I tell them that we are most likely not going to have kids. Like, ever. And they just look at me like I have three eyes. Is it that difficult to accept that some people just don't want kids??

I like my "me" time. I like being able to pick up and go anywhere at a moment's notice. I like sleep. I like being able to just sit and read a book if I want. I like my money and being able to spend it on things I want. The thought of having a child who will steal all this away from me does not sound appealing at all. I have accepted that I am selfish and impatient and I don't plan on changing any time soon. We might get another puppy and/or kitten, but that's about it. At least you can put them in a cage for 8 hours of the day and not have CPS called on you. They don't talk back and they don't throw tantrums in the middle of the store. And I don't know if you've noticed or not, but this world is going to hell in a hand basket. Is it really fair to bring a child in to this world?

Who knows, if the "motherly" urge hits me in another few years, I may change my mind. But for right now, I don't want kids. End of story. I may punch someone in the face the next time they ask.

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