Friday, December 19, 2008

One of the little joys in life

I would like to profess my love for It is the greatest thing in the world to order a pair of shoes at lunch time, and have them waiting for you on your doorstep after work the next day. Don't know how they do it, but I love them for it.

On another note, the weather today is FANTASTIC. Rain, sleet, slush and ice...can we say Merry Christmas? And apparently, it's also thundering and lightning? Weird stuff. I also appreciate that the parking lot here at work had not yet been salted. I had a blast trying to walk from my car in to the building on the inch of ice that has turned the parking lot in to an ice skating rink. I was secretly hoping I would fall on my ass and could collect worker's comp, but alas....

And thirdly, one of the main reasons I even came in to work today is because I have a hair appointment so I'd have to be driving out this way anyway. I could have rescheduled but it would be six weeks before I could get in again and my hair hasn't been touched since before the wedding so it's past due for some attention!

1 comment:

Abby said...

Oooooooh, My Favorite!!!