Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Haven't posted in forever

Fall is here!! I'm so happy I could cry. We had something like 16 days this summer that were at 90 degrees or above. Not cool. Literally. Now it's time for football, cool weather and Halloween!
I'm also very happy that all my tv shows have started up again. I had never seen How I Met Your Mother, but started watching reruns of it over the summer and now it's one of my new favorite shows. Randy always jokes that he'll see me next year due to my many hours spent watching shows. Lost is done and they suddenly cancelled Ghost Whisperer last season so that leaves me with 90210, HIMYM, Glee, Grey's Anatomy, Vampire Diaries and Bones. I used to watch Gossip Girl and Life Unexpected too but found myself not really caring anymore so they are no longer on my lineup.

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