Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cat - 1, USB Cable - 0

I'm convinced our kitten needs kitty prozac or something. I've never actually experienced a kitten in the house full-time before, so I'm guessing this is probably how they all are, but she is literally insane. Not only does she dart around the house non-stop at full speed, but she gets into EVERYTHING. She likes to steal things and play with them. I found the top to my facewash under the couch and the other day one of my earrings magically appeared next to her food dish.

Another of her favorite games is to play with a piece of food - hers, our dog's, it doesn't matter. She'll bat it around, meow at it and it inevitably ends up under the fridge or stove. We probably have enough random cat food pieces under there to feed her for a whole week.

And apparently, her newest way to have fun is to chew things. I got in my car this morning and plugged in my iPod and could not figure out why it wasn't working. Alas, the cord had been chewed through, it was literally hanging on by a thread. I'll give you two guesses as to who could have done that. Just swell. It's a good thing she's so damn cute.

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