Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Unless you've been living under a rock as of late, you've heard of the Twilight phenomenon...the movie, the books, etc. Well, up until about a month ago, I couldn't have cared less. But then my lovely friend, Robyn, innocently suggested that I read the books. She had already read them (in record time, I might add) and loved them. I was skeptical as I had heard both good and bad things regarding the quality and entertainment factor of them, but decided to give them a try. Much to my chagrin (!!), four books and thousands of pages later, I am officially sucked in (no pun intended). I think I even went through a slight withdrawl phase after I had finished the last book. Thanks, Robyn. I appreciate it.

I'm cotemplating re-reading them, but I think Randy's glad that I actually have time to pay attention to him again, so I may give it a rest for a while.

The movie opens on Friday and I feel like a freaking 8-year-old the night before Christmas. Antsy, anxious, impatient and excited. I just hope the movie isn't completely lame - although, even if it is, the eye candy will be nice - Robert Pattinson is the epitome of Edward.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, let me just say that 2 years ago when the book came out I was like "this is gay" "vampires that is stupid".. etc, etc, etc... until...... same thing my friend Christie was like you have to give them a chance and then everyone at work had read them and it was a cult! Let's just say movie left out a few things, but omg I have to illegally get a copy of that movie so I can stare at Mr. Eye Candy for 5 hours!Can I be a vampire now?
