Thursday, November 20, 2008

Ode to Starbucks

I would like to profess my love for the White Chocolate Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks. It's like heaven in a cup. And for some reason, the red cups just make them taste that much better this time of year, not to mention the Peppermint Whip Cream!!!
I used to go to Starbucks about three times a week, then I started doing the math. $4 times 3 days times 4 weeks in a month....well, it was kind of a lot of money to be spending on coffee so I made myself cut back. I try to keep it to about twice a month, but it's just so hard becase I LOVE those drinks. And you would think, with Starbucks sales being down 97% like they claim, that they would cut their prices or at least have specials of some sort. Would a punch card be too much to ask? All I ask is that my fifth, or even tenth cup be free!! But alas, for now, I will just have to savor my twice monthly little slice of heaven.

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