Monday, March 30, 2009


We finally signed up for NetFlix last week. It's a beautiful thing to have movies just show up in your mailbox! We watched 'Role Models' over the weekend and still have 'The Dark Knight' waiting at home, plus 8 or 9 movies lined up in my queue to be sent to me. I may never leave the house again...

There was a segment on the Early Show talking about the products with the highest retail mark-up:

1. Movie popcorn - marked up 1300%. Can I get a "duh"?? I'm pretty sure most people are aware of this, but it's still hard to resist that yummy butteryness at the theater. Although, now that we have nNetFlix, we may be spending a lot less going to movies!

2. Wine at a restaurant - marked up 100-200%. Again, duh. A glass of wine costs $5-$7 when you can get a whole bottle for about that price. Love my 2 for $9 Barefoot White Zinfandel at Martin's!

3. Prescription drugs - 350%. Obviously, this is for non-generic. Moral of the story? get generic if at all possible.

4. Coffee (Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, etc.) - a mark-up of 300% - um, duh? I can buy a whole tub of Maxwell House coffee for less than the price of two Starbucks drinks - and it will last us about a month. I can't remember the last time I had a starbucks drink. I miss it dearly, but my wallet does not.

5. Pre-cut vegetables (salad in a bag, mushrooms, carrots, etc.) - marked up 25%. Won't stop me from buying my baby spinach and pre-cut baby carrots!! This is a mark-up I can live with since it's much more convenient!

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